Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Mamak Dilema - Shame, Opportunity, Assimilation and an Identity Lost

I have no disrespect for the Malay culture which is beautiful. We can all learn a thing or two from Malay adat. However, I do hold a grudge against the deliberate extermination of one’s own heritage. I further find it offensive when Indian Muslims, in their eagerness to convert, use Machiavellian means to identify themselves as Malay. It demonstrates a lack of dignity and self-worth.

By Mohd Ikhram Merican

“How shall a man escape from his ancestors, or draw off from his veins the black drop which he drew from his father’s or mother’s life?” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

For some time now I’ve felt that the Indian Muslim or Mamak community at large suffers from a pitiful cultural and identity crisis. Being a Muslim of Indian origin, I have first-hand experience with the dilemma afflicting this community that has contributed so much to the culture, politics, and economy of Malaysia for well over a few centuries. I also worry that so many members of this, my community, are shedding their identity by becoming over-zealous converts.

Some of the offensive and snide remarks by an individual with clear Indian ancestry at the on-going UMNO General Assembly have motivated me to finally pen this letter.

My ancestral beginnings in Malaysia start with my great-grandfather, K.K Daud, in Penang in the early 20th century; although I suspect earlier generations were already making trade excursions to the Malay Peninsula. My grandfather, D Mohamed Ibraheem, born in India, was brought to study at the Methodist Boys School in Penang. He was a scholar, a sportsman, and a gentleman. These exact traits, decades later, were to become my obligation at my Alma Mater, the Victoria Institution.

My grandfather was a linguist of sorts. He learned Latin, was sufficiently proficient in Malay, and a master in English and Tamil. All of his children bore a combination of Tamil and Muslim names, a testament to his pride as a Tamilian and an unashamed celebration of his Indian roots. He worked hard, contributed to Penang’s economy, was a well respected member of his community, and raised a good family. For all intents and purposes, he was well assimilated into the fabric of Penangite society. He did not have to shed his cultural identity to do this.

My father and his generation, like their preceding generations, spoke excellent Tamil. Most of them were privileged to have an English education. A significant number of them have gone on to becoming prominent captains of industry in Malaysia and abroad. None of them coveted handouts from the government or needed to shake-off their “Indian-ess” to progress in Malaysia. It was never an option. Their parents worked hard to educate them.

My generation does not speak Tamil as well as the previous generations. Most of us speak English or Malay. Suddenly it has become important to be seen as practicing Malay culture. Article 160 of the Constitution states that a “Malay” is a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and -

  1. was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or was on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or
  2. is the issue of such a person;

Many Indian Muslims have used or would like to use this provision to “convert”.

I have no disrespect for the Malay culture which is beautiful. We can all learn a thing or two from Malay adat. However, I do hold a grudge against the deliberate extermination of one’s own heritage. I further find it offensive when Indian Muslims, in their eagerness to convert, use Machiavellian means to identify themselves as Malay. It demonstrates a lack of dignity and self-worth.

Naturally, I feel sick when I read of the charades of UMNO politicians, academicians, and community leaders masquerading as Malays, spewing hatred against other races, sometimes against their own roots. Even when they’re challenged as to their real identity, they shamelessly defend their false Malay roots. For some, Tamil is still spoken in whispers, in the privacy of their homes, like it were a “dirty” parlance.

Why? For special rights? For economic handouts? My grandfather worked very, very hard for providence. So did the men of his generation. The early Indian Muslim traders who came to these shores were an industrious lot who earned their bread. They contributed to Malaysia’s rich heritage without becoming cultural orphans. They cherished their roots. Hardship and experience polished them. It earned them monopolies in certain trades that last till today.

This legacy is being destroyed. A culture and heritage is disappearing only to be replaced by a false sense of security. In the process, the Indian Muslims are offending not only their own race and the Chinese, but many Malays too. In the long run, we as a community will isolate ourselves from our roots and the nation in which we want so much to assimilate with.

“Distinguished ancestors shed a powerful light on their descendants, and forbid the concealment either of their merits or of their demerits.” - Gaius Sallustius Crispus

Banknote scandal widens

THE Reserve Bank bribery scandal has spread to the Australian government's trade agency, with documents revealing Austrade met a notorious Indian arms dealer hired by Securency and knew of payments to a Vietnamese spy chief to secure contracts.

Austrade documents obtained by the Herald raise serious questions about whether some of its top officials knew about alleged multimillion-dollar bribes being paid by RBA subsidiaries Securency and Note Printing Australia across Asia.

Austrade's senior trade envoy in Vietnam, Elizabeth Masamune, was told by Securency in 2001 that a firm controlled by Anh Ngoc Luong, a colonel in Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security, would act as a ''post box'' between the RBA firm and Vietnam's central bank. Ms Masamune worked closely with Colonel Luong, who the Australian Federal Police alleged in July had received up to $20 million in suspected bribes from Securency.

Austrade's regional director for south-east Asia, David Twine, met Indian arms dealer Vipin Khanna in May 2007 to discuss work for Securency. They met after Mr Khanna's passport was seized by Indian police following the revelation that he benefited from corrupt oil deals with Saddam Hussein.

A secret May 2007 deal arranged by Mr Twine for Austrade to perform due diligence services on Securency's foreign agents and to "provide a watching brief on specific organisations important to Securency (such as agents, customer governments and other 'influencers')''. A confidential Austrade memo states that both special ''assignments'' would be recorded in a ''discrete agreement'' and not documented in the agency's official contract with Securency.

The Herald has learnt Mr Twine left Austrade in October after his position was abolished in a restructure.

In a statement last night, Austrade said it was unable to answer specific questions because of the ongoing police investigation and court cases.

Austrade ''has fully co-operated with the investigation … there are no allegations of impropriety against Austrade and no Austrade employee has been charged in relation to the AFP bribery investigation,'' it said.

Austrade assisted Securency International and NPA in 49 countries between 1996 and 2009. Two former senior trade commissioners, Paul Martins and Gustavo Ascenzo, joined Securency as sales executives. Mr Martins later returned to Austrade.

The federal government has blocked moves for an independent inquiry into corrupt dealings by the RBA subsidiaries and Austrade's role in their affairs since the Herald exposed bribery concerns in May 2009.

Documents released under freedom-of-information legislation show Ms Masamune, now Austrade's general manager for east Asian markets, knew in 2001 that Securency had financial dealings with Colonel Luong, who had been hired to help persuade Vietnam's central bank to switch its entire banknote issue from paper to plastic supplied by the RBA firm.

Despite Australia introducing foreign bribery laws in 1999, no one in Austrade warned Securency that it might be acting illegally by making payments to Colonel Luong and his firm, CFTD.

Internal Austrade documents indicate senior trade officials knew of Colonel Luong's connections to Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security as early as 1998. In 2007 and 2008, Austrade formally warned the RBA and Securency that Colonel Luong was a senior officer in the intelligence and security agency.

The financial aspect of Securency's dealings in Vietnam is referred to in emails between Ms Masamune and former banknote executive Cliff Gerathy.

In January 2001 Ms Masamune advised Mr Gerathy that she would ''stay in touch with Anh [Colonel Luong] and follow-up on the letters he needs to write to you regarding other financial issues''.

Two months later, Mr Gerathy sent an email to Ms Masamune stating: ''In the case of Vietnam, we are doing more than we have for any other country, especially in terms of financial commitment, which we are regarding as an investment.''

Securency and NPA, along with nine former executives, including Mr Gerathy, have been charged with bribing officials in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Nepal in order to win banknote contracts.

Richard Baker, Nick Mckenzie
Coming soon to the shore of Malaysia. MACC still in the dark.

Musa Hassan latest wife.

NEGARA menyaksikan perkahwinan selebriti yang bernilai jutaan ringgit. Terbaru, bekas Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan artis Syella Kamaruddin dalam satu upacara "Wedding of The Year"

Perkahwinan ini adalah yang termahal dianggarkan menelan belanja perkahwinan dan hantaran sehingga khabarnya mencecah RM 15 juta.

Syella menerima hantaran mewah berupa sebuah banglo bernilai RM5 juta yang terletak di sebuah lokasi di ibu negara. Dia turut menerima sebuah kereta rekaan British, iaitu Mini Cooper. Baju perkahwinannya menerima sentuhan pereka terkenal tanah air, iaitu Hatta Dolmat.

Syella yang juga pemilik butik D’Syella Place menjalankan perkahwinannya tanpa pengetahuan media kerana menghormati permintaan suaminya.

Penyanyi yang pernah merakamkan lagu 'Menangis dalam Hujan' ini agak popular dikalangan peminat hiburan tanah air. Namun, tahun berganti tahun apatah lagi dengan kemunculan penyanyi baru secara tidak langsung menenggelamkan namanya.

Kiranya selepas ini, Syell tidak perlu lagi menangis hatta di dalam hujan sekalipun. Kehidupan yang ternyata sangat mewah disamping bekas penjawat awam yang cukup terkenal, sememangnya menjadi idaman ramai anak gadis diluar sana.

Semoga perkahwinan termahal dalam sejarah Malaysia ini kekal abadi ke akhir hayat.

Siapa Syella Kamaruddin tu?

Syella Kamaruddin, telah dihubungi oleh laman media GUA tentang perkahwinannya yang berlangsung pada 11-13 November lepas. Khabarnya majlis itu dilangsungkan secara besar-besaran, khemah kenduri saja 17 buah. Walau bagaimana pun, Syella masih enggan menamakan suaminya kepada media atau orang ramai. Ini ialah gambar Syella pada malam berinai yang baru dikeluarkan oleh ArtchanAli.

Memang saya telah berkahwin dengan seorang VVIP baru-baru ini, tetapi majlis pernikahan kami bukan pada Jumaat lepas (11 November). Kami telah bernikah pada bulan September lalu. Gambar-gambar yang tersiar di internet itu adalah gambar-gambar ketika majlis resepsi di rumah ibu bapa saya di Cheras pada 11- 13 Nov lalu. Tentang hantaran mewah itu pula, memang benar saya mendapat sebuah banglo bernilai RM 5 juta, tetapi hantaran sebuah Mini Cooper itu tidak betul. Suami saya berikan kereta Audi R8. Mini Cooper itu hanya digunakan sementara kerana kereta Audi itu masih belum sampai.

Saya tidak maklumkan kepada pihak media bukan kerana hendak sembunyikan perkara ini, tetapi saya serba-salah. Saya ini bukannya penyanyi popular. Album baru pun tidak ada. Alih-alih hendak jemput pihak media datang ke majlis perkahwinan. Saya rasa macam tidak kena. Sebab itulah saya jemput saudara-mara, rakan-rakan dan jiran-jiran sahaja. Bukan ada sebab lain. Lagipun majlis itu bukan untuk untuk saya seorang, tetapi turut meraikan perkahwinan dua orang adik saya ,Efa dan Ijam yang bernikah Oktober lalu.

Saya tak rasa perbelanjaan ini membazir kerana saya berpendapat perkahwinan hanya sekali seumur hidup. Saya tidak kisah apa orang hendak kata, yang penting semua perbelanjaan itu saya dan suami keluarkan sendiri. Bukan tajaan mana-mana pihak, Saya membelanjakan kira-kira RM800 ribu manakala selebihnya daripada suami saya.

Biarlah orang hendak buat spekulasi. Saya berkahwin bukan kerana harta. Saya sendiri sudah punya wang dan harta berkat beberapa perniagaan yang saya jalankan. Kalau orang masih tidak percaya, apa yang boleh saya buat.

Kami rasa patutlah kita hormati permintaannya itu. Syella memang nampak jelita semasa majlis perkahwinannya dan terima kasih pada Syella kerana gambar-gambar yang cantik dari ArtchanAli Photography, kami sudah mengesyorkan team fotografi tersebut kepada saudara-mara yang bakal berkahwin. Fakta perkahwinan Syella:

1) Syella enggan mendedahkan nama suami serta gelaran yang diperolehinya selepas berkahwin (Datin, Datin Sri atau Puan Sri) kerana menghormati permintaan VVIP itu.
2) Syella juga enggan mengulas sama ada dia berkongsi suami atau tidak.
3) Syella ambil keputusan berkahwin dengan suaminya sekarang ini setelah mendapat petunjuk ketika menunaikan umrah pada April lalu.
4) Syella menafikan dia berkahwin kerana harta. Jelasnya, dia sudah memiliki kemewahan daripada beberapa perniagaan yang dijalankan.
5) Dua pasang gaun yang digayakan ketika majlis resepsi itu adalah rekaan Hatta Dolmat dan setiap satu daripadanya berharga RM60,000.
6) Pasangan ini telah berbulan madu selama dua minggu di Eropah pada September lalu.
7) Syella dan suami merancang untuk menimang cahayamata dalam waktu terdekat.


Hanif was the first IGP in PDRM to retire as millionaire, all thanks to Mahathir. Since then many in the uniform have follow suit. According to rumours Musa Hassan was worth RM200 million at the time he retired. So how much will Ismail Omar and that Khalid take home when they retire. Your guess is as good as mine.

Stalin's only daughter dies

By Lee Ha-na

Svetlana Alliluyeva, also known as Lana Peters, died of colon cancer on Nov. 22. She was 85.

She has lived off and on in Wisconsin after becoming a U.S. citizen, BBC reported, quoting Richland County Coroner Mary Turner.
She was born in February 1926 as Svetlana Stalina to notorious dictator Josef Stalin and his second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva. She took her mother’s last name once her father died in 1953.

Peters was famous only for being the child of Josef Stalin. She wrote two memoirs, Twenty Letters to a Friend and Only One Year, which became international bestsellers.

Josef Stalin is infamous for the millions of people murdered under his rule, but he was also known to have been a loving father to Peters when she was a child, calling her his “little sparrow.” This all changed as she grew older and Stalin became occupied with the war with Germany.

In her memoirs, she describes parts of her dark past, including her mother’s decision to commit suicide when Peters was only six and her father’s command of sending her first love to Siberia for 10 years.

She had already been married twice before defecting to the U.S. in 1967. There she married an American, William Peters, and had a daughter named Olga, although this marriage also ended in divorce.

She became a U.S. citizen in 1978 and she ended up moving to the United Kingdom with Olga and then returned to the Soviet Union, where they both were granted citizenship. In 1986, she came back to the U.S., where she lived the remainder of her life.

Peters passed away in a nursing home in Richland Center. Throughout her whole life, whether she was living in India, the U.S. or in the Soviet Union, she was unable to escape the negativity associated with her last name. It was reported she never fully forgave her father for his brutality towards her.

Her son from her first marriage passed away in 2008. Aside from Olga, Peters is also survived her daughter from her second marriage named Yekaterina Zhdanov.

Mahathir and Pak Lah have created a psychopath for us

Beware the Psychopath, My Son

The following is largely extracted from two articles:

Twilight of the Psychopaths, by Dr. Kevin Barrett and The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade by Silvia Cattori. Both articles are recommended. Both articles reference the book Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes, by Andrzej Lobaczewski. Cattori’s article is longer and includes an interview with the book’s editors, Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henry See.

I make the effort to share this information because it gives me, at last, a plausible answer to a long-unanswered question: Why, no matter how much intelligent goodwill exists in the world, is there so much war, suffering and injustice? It doesn’t seem to matter what creative plan, ideology, religion, or philosophy great minds come up with, nothing seems to improve our lot. Since the dawn of civilization, this pattern repeats itself over and over again.

The answer is that civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been built on slavery and mass murder. Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, cheat, steal, torture, manipulate, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse, in order to establish their own sense of security through domination. The inventor of civilization — the first tribal chieftain who successfully brainwashed an army of controlled mass murderers — was almost certainly a genetic psychopath. Since that momentous discovery, psychopaths have enjoyed a significant advantage over non-psychopaths in the struggle for power in civilizational hierarchies — especially military hierarchies.

Behind the apparent insanity of contemporary history, is the actual insanity of psychopaths fighting to preserve their disproportionate power. And as their power grows ever-more-threatened, the psychopaths grow ever-more-desperate. We are witnessing the apotheosis of the overworld — the overlapping criminal syndicates that lurk above ordinary society and law just as the underworld lurks below it.

During the past fifty years, psychopaths have gained almost absolute control of all the branches of government. You can notice this if you observe carefully that no matter what illegal thing a modern politician does, no one will really take him to task. All of the so called scandals that have come up, any one of which would have taken down an authentic administration, are just farces played out for the public, to distract them, to make them think that the democracy is still working.

One of the main factors to consider in terms of how a society can be taken over by a group of pathological deviants is that the psychopaths’ only limitation is the participation of susceptible individuals within that given society. Lobaczewski gives an average figure for the most active deviants of approximately 6% of a given population. (1% essential psychopaths and up to 5% other psychopathies and characteropathies.) The essential psychopath is at the center of the web. The others form the first tier of the psychopath’s control system.

The next tier of such a system is composed of individuals who were born normal, but are either already warped by long-term exposure to psychopathic material via familial or social influences, or who, through psychic weakness have chosen to meet the demands of psychopathy for their own selfish ends. Numerically, according to Lobaczewski, this group is about 12% of a given population under normal conditions.

So approximately 18% of any given population is active in the creation and imposition of a Pathocracy. The 6% group constitutes the Pathocratic nobility and the 12% group forms the new bourgeoisie, whose economic situation is the most advantageous.

When you understand the true nature of psychopathic influence, that it is conscienceless, emotionless, selfish, cold and calculating, and devoid of any moral or ethical standards, you are horrified, but at the same time everything suddenly begins to makes sense. Our society is ever more soulless because the people who lead it and who set the example are soulless — they literally have no conscience.

In his book Political Ponerology, Andrej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests), psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want. In court, for example, psychopaths can tell extreme bald-faced lies in a plausible manner, while their sane opponents are handicapped by an emotional predisposition to remain within hailing distance of the truth. Too often, the judge or jury imagines that the truth must be somewhere in the middle, and then issues decisions that benefit the psychopath. As with judges and juries, so too with those charged with decisions concerning who to promote and who not to promote in corporate, military and governmental hierarchies. The result is that all hierarchies inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths. Since psychopaths have no limitations on what they can or will do to get to the top, the ones in charge are generally pathological. It is not power that corrupts, it is that corrupt individuals seek power.

How can we distinguish between psychopaths and healthy people? What is the portrait of a true psychopath?

Such a dangerous question has almost never been successfully asked. The reason is because we mistakenly confuse healthy for normal. Human psychological diversity is the health of our race. There is no normal because healthy humans continuously evolve beyond all normalizing standards. The terrorism of searching through hierarchies for anyone deviating from normalis no different from witch hunts or Inquisitions. You must remember that hierarchies thrive on such low dramas, torturing victims until they confess toevil beliefs. Not so long ago the church and state ongoingly acquired significant income and property through witch hunts and Inquisitions. This continued for over two hundred and fifty years. Ten generations of Europeans understood pogrom as normal life. Let us not return to that nightmare. Testing for normal is guaranteed to backfire in our face. There is no normal. But there is conscience.

We have very little empirical evidence to support the idea that true psychopathy is the result of an abused childhood, and much empirical evidence to support that it is genetic. The neurobiological model offers us the greatest hope of being able to identify even the most devious psychopath. Other recent studies lead to similar results and conclusions: that psychopaths have great difficulty processing verbal and nonverbal affective (emotional) material, that they tend to confuse the emotional significance of events, and most importantly, that these deficits show up in brain scans! A missing internal connection between the feeling heart and the thinking brain is detectable.

Psychopaths are incapable of authentic deep emotions. In fact, when Robert Hare, a Canadian psychologist who spent his career studying psychopathy, did brain scans on psychopaths while showing them two sets of words, one set of neutral words with no emotional associations and a second set with emotionally charged words, while different areas of the brain lit up in the non-psychopathic control group, in the psychopaths, both sets were processed in the same area of the brain, the area that deals with language. They did not have an emotional reaction until they intellectually concluded that it would be better if they had one, and then they whipped up an emotional response just for show.

The simplest, clearest and truest portrait of the psychopath is given in the titles of three seminal works on the subject: Without Conscience by Robert Hare,The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, and Snakes in Suits by Robert Hare and Paul Babiak. A psychopath is exactly that: conscienceless. The most important thing to remember is that this lack of conscience is hidden from view behind a mask of normality that is often so convincing that even experts are deceived. As a result, psychopaths become the Snakes in Suits that control our world.

Psychopaths lack a sense of remorse or empathy with others. They can be extremely charming and are experts at using talk to charm and hypnotize their prey. They are also irresponsible. Nothing is ever their fault; someone else or the world at large is always to blame for all of their problems or their mistakes. Martha Stout, in her book The Sociopath Next Door, identifies what she calls the pity ploy. Psychopaths use pity to manipulate. They convince you to give them one more chance, and to not tell anyone about what they have done. So another trait — and a very important one — is their ability to control the flow of information.

They also seem to have little real conception of past or future, living entirely for their immediate needs and desires. Because of the barren quality of their inner life, they are often seeking new thrills, anything from feeling the power of manipulating others to engaging in illegal activities simply for the rush of adrenaline.

Another trait of the psychopath is what Lobaczewski calls their special psychological knowledge of normal people. They have studied us. They know us better than we know ourselves. They are experts in knowing how to push our buttons, to use our emotions against us. But beyond that, they even seem to have some sort of hypnotic power over us. When we begin to get caught up in the web of the psychopath, our ability to think deteriorates, gets muddied. They seem to cast some sort of spell over us. It is only later when we are no longer in their presence, out of their spell, that the clarity of thought returns and we find ourselves wondering how it was that we were unable to respond or counter what they were doing.

Psychopaths learn to recognize each other in a crowd as early as childhood, and they develop an awareness of the existence of other individuals similar to themselves. They also become conscious of being of a different world from the majority of other people surrounding them. They view us from a certain distance.

Think about the ramifications of this statement: Psychopaths are, to some extent, self-aware as a group even in childhood! Recognizing their fundamental difference from the rest of humanity, their allegiance would be to others of their kind, that is, to other psychopaths.

Their own twisted sense of honor compels them to cheat and revile non-psychopaths and their values. In contradiction to the ideals of normal people, psychopaths feel breaking promises and agreements is normal behavior.

Not only do they covet possessions and power and feel they have the right to them just because they exist and can take them, but they gain special pleasure in usurping and taking from others; what they can plagiarize, swindle, and extort are fruits far sweeter than those they can earn through honest labor. They also learn very early how their personalities can have traumatizing effects on the personalities of non-psychopaths, and how to take advantage of this root of terror for purposes of achieving their goals.

So now, imagine how human beings who are totally in the dark about the presence of psychopaths can be easily deceived and manipulated by these individuals, gaining power in different countries, pretending to be loyal to the local populations while at the same time playing up obvious and easily discernible physical differences between groups (such as race, skin color, religion, etc). Psychologically normal humans would be set against one another on the basis of unimportant differences (think of Rwanda 1994, think of Israelis and Palestinians) while the deviants in power, with a fundamental difference from the rest of us, a lack of conscience, an inability to feel for another human being, reaped the benefits and pulled the strings.

We are seeing the final desperate power-grab or endgame (Alex Jones) of brutal, cunning gangs of CIA drug-runners and President-killers; money-laundering international bankers and their hit-men — economic and otherwise; corrupt military contractors and gung-ho generals; corporate predators and their political enablers; brainwashers and mind-rapists euphemistically known as psy-ops and PR specialists — in short, the whole crew of certifiable psychopaths running our so-called civilization. And they are running scared.

Why does the Pathocracy fear it is losing control? Because it is threatened by the spread of knowledge. The greatest fear of any psychopath is of being found out.

Psychopaths go through life knowing that they are completely different from other people. Deep down they know something is missing in them. They quickly learn to hide their lack of empathy, while carefully studying others’ emotions so as to mimic normalcy while cold-bloodedly manipulating the normals.

Today, thanks to new information technologies, we are on the brink of unmasking the psychopaths and building a civilization of, by and for the healthy human being — a civilization without war, a civilization based on truth, a civilization in which the saintly few rather than the diabolical few would gravitate to positions of power. We already have the knowledge necessary to diagnose psychopathic personalities and keep them out of power. We have the knowledge necessary to dismantle the institutions in which psychopaths especially flourish — militaries, intelligence agencies, large corporations, and secret societies. We simply need to disseminate this knowledge, and the will to use it, as widely and as quickly as possible.

Until the knowledge and awareness of pathological human beings is given the attention it deserves and becomes part of the general knowledge of all human beings, there is no way that things can be changed in any way that is effective and long-lasting. If half the people agitating for truth or stopping the war or saving the earth would focus their efforts, time and money on exposing psychopathy, we might get somewhere.

One might ask if the weak point of our society has been our tolerance of psychopathic behavior? Our disbelief that someone could seem like an intelligent leader and still be acting deceptively on their own behalf without conscience? Or is it merely ignorance?

If the general voting public is not aware that there exists a category of people we sometimes perceive as almost human, who look like us, who work with us, who are found in every race, every culture, speaking every language, but who are lacking conscience, how can the general public take care to block them from taking over the hierarchies? General ignorance of psychopathology may prove to be the downfall of civilization. We stand by like grazing sheep as political/corporate elites throw armies of our innocent sons and daughters against fabricated enemies as a way of generating trillions in profits, vying against each other for pathological hegemony.

Nearly everyone who has been part of an organization working for social change has probably seen the same dynamic play out: The good and sincere work of many can be destroyed by the actions of one person. That doesn’t bode well for bringing some sort of justice to the planet! In fact, if psychopaths dominate political hierarchies, is it any wonder that peaceful demonstrations have zero impact on the outcome of political decisions? Perhaps it is time to choose something other than massive, distant hierarchies as a way of governing ourselves?

So many efforts to provide essays, research reports, exposés and books to leaders so they might take the new information to heart and change their behavior have come to naught. For example, in the final paragraph of his revised edition of the book, The Party’s Over, Richard Heinberg writes:

I still believe that if the people of the world can be helped to understand the situation we are in, the options available, and the consequences of the path we are currently on, then it is at least possible that they can be persuaded to undertake the considerable effort and sacrifice that will be entailed in a peaceful transition to a sustainable, locally based, decentralized, low-energy, resource-conserving social regime. But inspired leadership will be required.

And that is the just-murdered fantasy. There are no inspired leaders anymore. And in hierarchical structures there can’t be. Assuming that you can elect men or women to office who will see reason and the light of day, and who will change and learn and grow, make compassionate decisions and take conscientious actions… is a foolish, childish dream. Continuing to dream it simply plays into psychopathic agendas.

Only when the 75% of humanity with a healthy conscience come to understand that we have a natural predator, a group of people who live amongst us, viewing us as powerless victims to be freely fed upon for achieving their inhuman ends, only then will we take the fierce and immediate actions needed to defend what is preciously human. Psychological deviants have to be removed from any position of power over people of conscience, period. People must be made aware that such individuals exist and must learn how to spot them and their manipulations. The hard part is that one must also struggle against those tendencies to mercy and kindness in oneself in order not to become prey.

The real problem is that the knowledge of psychopathy and how psychopaths rule the world has been effectively hidden. People do not have the adequate, nuanced knowledge they need to really make a change from the bottom up. Again and again, throughout history it has been meet the new boss, same as the old boss. If there is any work that is deserving of full time efforts and devotion for the sake of helping humanity in this present dark time, it is the study of psychopathy and the propagation of this information as far and wide and fast as possible.

There are only two things that can bring a psychopath under submission:

1. A bigger psychopath.
2. The non-violent, absolute refusal to submit to psychopathic controls no matter the consequences (non-violent noncompliance).

Let us choose path 2! If individuals simply sat down and refused to lift a hand to further one single aim of the psychopathic agenda, if people refused to pay taxes, if soldiers refused to fight, if government workers and corporate drones and prison guards refused to go to work, if doctors refused to treat psychopathic elites and their families, the whole system would grind to a screeching halt.

True change happens in the moment that a person becomes aware of psychopathy in all its chilling details. From this new awareness, the world looks different, and entirely new actions can be taken. Distinguishing between human and psychopathic qualities begins the foundation of responsibility upon which we have a real chance to create sustainable culture.


We are living in an interesting and scary period where a monster has been created to control us. And what do the Malays do, they simply shake their heads, murmur their complaints and sigh IT IS FATED.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why the haste in passing Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011

May 1968 Civil Unrest in France

Barricades of overturned vehicles.
Paris, France. DateMay 1968 - June 1968

In France, the May 1968 crisis escalates as a general strike spreads to factories and industries across the country, shutting down newspaper distribution, air transport, and two major railroads. By the end of the month, millions of workers were on strike, and France seemed to be on the brink of radical leftist revolution.

After the Algerian crisis of the l950s, France entered a period of stability in the 1960s. The French empire was abolished, the economy improved, and President Charles de Gaulle was a popular ruler. Discontent lay just beneath the surface, however, especially among young students, who were critical of France's outdated university system and the scarcity of employment opportunity for university graduates. Sporadic student demonstrations for education reform began in 1968, and on May 3 a protest at the Sorbonne (the most celebrated college of the University of Paris) was broken up by police. Several hundred students were arrested and dozens were injured.

In the aftermath of the incident, courses at the Sorbonne were suspended, and students took to the streets of the Latin Quarter (the university district of Paris) to continue their protests. On May 6, battles between the police and students in the Latin Quarter led to hundreds of injuries. On the night of May 10, students set up barricades and rioted in the Latin Quarter. Nearly 400 people were hospitalized, more than half of them police. Leftist students began calling for radical economic and political change in France, and union leaders planned strikes in support of the students. In an effort to defuse the crisis by returning the students to school, Prime Minister Georges Pompidou announced that the Sorbonne would be reopened on May 13.

On that day, students occupied the Sorbonne buildings, converting it into a commune, and striking workers and students protested in the Paris streets. During the next few days, the unrest spread to other French universities, and labor strikes rolled across the country, eventually involving several million workers and paralyzing France. On the evening of May 24, the worst fighting of the May crisis occurred in Paris. Revolutionary students temporarily seized the Bourse (Paris Stock Exchange), raised a communist red flag over the building, and then tried to set it on fire. One policeman was killed in the night's violence.

During the next few days, Prime Minister Pompidou negotiated with union leaders, making a number of concessions, but failed to end the strike. Radical students openly called for revolution but lost the support of mainstream communist and trade union leaders, who feared that they, like the Gaullist establishment, would be swept away in a revolution led by anarchists and Trotskyites. On May 30, President de Gaulle went on the radio and announced that he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling national elections. He appealed for law and order and implied that he would use military force to return order to France if necessary. Loyal Gaullists and middle-class citizens rallied around him, and the labor strikes were gradually abandoned. Student protests continued until June 12, when they were banned. Two days later, the students were evicted from the Sorbonne.

In the two rounds of voting on June 23 and 30, the Gaullists won a commanding majority in the National Assembly. In the aftermath of the May events, de Gaulle's government made a series of concessions to the protesting groups, including higher wages and improved working conditions for workers, and passed a major education reform bill intended to modernize higher education. After 11 years of rule, Charles de Gaulle resigned the presidency in 1969 and was succeeded by Pompidou. He died the next year just before his 80th birthday.
'Windfall' for Penang trishaw riders

After demanding financial aid of RM60 a month from the state government, trishaw riders in Penang have been offered RM100 - albeit with a condition attached.

lim guan eng press conference on bicycle lane 251111 1Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng(left) said he has directed Danny Law Heng Kian, the state executive councillor for tourism, to bump up the amount, after the riders had rejected the initial offer of RM100 every two months.

However, the payment will only be made if the riders participate fully in the George Town Car-free Day every Sunday from 7am to 5pm in designated streets, Lim said.

Lim said the state government had worked with the Penang Municipal Council three months ago, to establish Car-free Day on Sundays from Dec 11.

No motorised vehicles will be allowed in the specified zones, only bicycles and trishaws.

"This will assist trishaw riders in drawing an additional source of income," Lim said in a statement today.

"To ensure that only genuine trishaw riders benefit, the state government will propose that they must register with the Penang Tourism Department.”

Tipped as the first such green initiative in the country, Car-free Day is intended to reduce the carbon footprint, as well as to boost the earnings of low-income groups like trishaw riders.

Bonus payment

Yesterday, the Penang Trishaw Riders Association had demanded RM60 a month in aid.

In response, the state postponed the handing over of aid to the riders, which had been scheduled for earlier today.

Lim said the trishaw riders must be stationed at the allotted gathering point for a specified period of time to qualify for financial aid.

The state government will disburse RM20 per rider each week, with a RM20 bonus for attendance for every Car-free Day for the month.

"This will ensure that there are trishaws in the allotted areas for tourists and that genuine trishaw riders benefit (from the scheme)," he added.


Many are still talking about the march to Parliament and the waste of it all when the BN MPs are adamant in passing the PAB 2011.

Things are done for a reason. To ensure that there will be no bloody protest in Selangor when UMNO rather BN grab Selangor. And that my friend is what they are up to, of course with the Royal approval. Five Billionaires are putting their money behind the grab. They are Vincent Tan Abdullah, Francis Yeoh, Daim, Ananda and Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhari in exchange they get the land, projects, toll, oil and gas worth RM600 billion in Penang, Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Sabah. With a little bit of luck even Sarawak. Oh, yes. Sarawak, Taib biggest asset. Since the last election in Sarawak, the five billionaires have worked overtime and the coming months would be very, very interesting and worth every sweat for UMNO to take over from Taib.

Furthermore, Najib has allowed students to be involved in politic. This is done so that the students who will become instant millionaires, will revolt against the Selangor State Government.

So now you understand why the PAB 2011 must pass quickly. ERECTION, ERECTION.

So now what to do? Things are not useless if one were to read and understand Civil Unrest in France and how UMNO convince the trishaw riders to demand and got RM100 per month.


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